From the cultural probe I learned that the feeling that drives the satisfaction of playing with sand on a beach, is the ability to create structure around them any way a person pleases.
I started by brainstorming ways in which I could incite this feeling of creative freedom within a persons home.

Using the audio process of looping, a person can record a short section of audio that enhances the listening experience. This allows the user to instruct freedom on their environment by recording sounds using everything around them.

The user can record a percussive sound/pattern, of which the device would automatically quantize (synchronize) to the beat of the music. The user could also record a singular tonal sound, the buttons on the front can then be pressed to create a melody. The device would pitch the sampled sound to fit a melodic scale relative to the song the user has selected.

The user pushes the microphone/striker releasing it from the main body

The microphone/striker can be used to strike objects and record the sound

The microphone/striker can also be used to record any sound the user wants