For the first section of the customer conversations, I created these 2 customer personas. I created these based on the average answers given by students, although these 2 characters are fictional.

From these customer conversations and the personas I concluded that stress contributed to lack of self maintenance. This was the primary cause for a drop in a students wellbeing.
I start the process through a simple brainstorm, and move on to designing a physical solution. The idea is to have a piece of jewelry with symbols on it that are attached to mental exercises the student has memorized. The ring would serve as a reminder in times of great stress to cycle through these exercises to improve their wellness.

The next solution is much simpler, in the form of an app created in Adobe XD the user could download. This would run the user through the simple exercises and could be used to reframe their state of mind. This allows a user to see the bigger picture, understand themselves and focus significantly better.

The third solution is also an app, Rewire. This would run the user through similar tasks to the previous (Refocus) app, but the tasks would be more focused on the education of psychological principles and exercises that could drastically improve a person life and wellbeing.

After more refined customer conversations, and user testing from the previous products, I concluded that a mixture of both of the apps would be most effective. This would mix the simple tasks (cold shower, clean, breathing exercises, etc.) with more educational and mentally intensive tasks.
This idea was combined under a host app (Blue) in which other students from the class contributed their respective sections. The final app was created in Figma, my contribution being the refocus section.